Are you a Kingdom woman who loves Jesus, but you are frustrated with the current political system where you are? Do you want your voice and the voices of those who cannot speak up for themselves
to be heard?
You already possess the power and inherent ability to bring the change you want to see in your community, city and nation. BUT… since you do not know where to start, this 3-Day Masterclass will help you to discover the powerful leader inside of you that has been waiting
for such a time as this!
Political Leadership Strategist, Dr. Lisa-Anne Chung SHARES THE SECRETS to influence and IMPACT in politics…
God’s Kingdom way
Seeing government and politics as two sides of a coin comes from both personal experience and her heritage, having inherited a rich government and political family legacy. Dr. Chung lives in Manchester, England, with her husband Lance. Together they are reshaping the face of political leadership training.
Masterclass recordings - £97
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